Neville Goddard 10-6-1959
This platform is concerned only with the great secret of life. Here we are
convinced that the Supreme Power that created and sustains the universe is
Divine Imagining, and it does not differ from human imagination save in degree
of intensity. So God-in-man is your wonderful Imagination; that is God. We tell
you that Imagination creates Reality, but bear in mind that at this human level
on earth it takes time and persistence. If we will persist in the image, live in
it, sleep in it, breathe in it, it will crystallize into tangible form. Night
after night we take different facets of this truly great secret, and as we turn
to the greatest book on Imagination in the world, we treat it differently. So,
as we turn to it, bear in mind that the Bible is addressed to the Imagination,
not to the man of sense or the man of reason - the one that is "lost" or "dead"
or "sound asleep."
We will take a simple little verse and show you why it is not addressed to the
natural man, Ecclesiastes 3:15: "That which is, already has been; that which is
to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away." The "natural
man" cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the
senses. The man of reason could justify the verse's end, saying if it has any
meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the
moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of
the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return
to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse;
but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or
the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? "That
which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks
what has been driven away."
We are told that he made generic man (male-female) in his own image and called
them "Man." Then we are told that this man was driven out, and the priesthoods
tell us he was driven out because of some "original sin." I send my child to
school to prepare her for living in the world, not to punish her, but to do it I
must send her out. In Barbados we have a good school system, though not beyond
high school, and when I was a boy there I would see these children arriving from
the other islands at the beginning of the school year with their new clothes and
their new books. They thought it was exciting, not knowing what it was all
about. But then the time came for the parents to kiss them goodbye and leave
them in this strange place, and many a child cried himself to sleep not just for
a night but for the whole term, such was their homesickness and loneliness. But
the parents did it in love and left them there. Many sent their children on to
England for still higher education at great sacrifice, and they could not afford
to bring them home for vacations, so they had to wait years to see them again.
But they did it in love and only love.
An infinite being of love did the same thing to us. We were "dead." We were
fully made and perfect but we were like the statue of Galatea. And then to
quicken man and make him like God, he had to drive him out - not in space, out
in mind. So God became man, the thing that was dead, and to do it he had to
lower himself to this level - which in comparison to the higher states would be
called "dead." This garment of skin you wear has been long in preparation for
the Son of God. We are told: "And He clothed them in garments of skin." It is
for schooling purposes.
Why are we here? To make images. The whole universe is an image of cosmic fancy.
We are learning, so we begin with the simplest things - a job, a new home, a
change in environment. We do it in the same way as our Father did it, but this
is a classroom so we make mistakes - but the fault is not ours for we are not
yet awake. There was the perfect system, existing for its creator, and then God
set free certain portions of it, and so he "prepared the way for his banished
ones to return." God seeks what has been driven away, so that he may say: "This,
my son, who was dead [and] is alive again." So we are the one he is seeking.
There is something hidden in this coat of skin that he is seeking.
We must get beyond the senses and begin to create. So I say to everyone that we
must start the art of creating, no matter how simple or how big the thing is, no
matter what it is that is creating. We create by faith, and faith is belief in
the thing not yet seen. We create by assembling an image that implies we now
have what we want in this world, and if we are faithful we bring it to pass, and
as we do it we begin to move through this labyrinthine way for the return of his
Son. "Whom God has afflicted He will comfort and call his friend." So if you are
hurt do not believe that it was because of what you did in the past. No. We pass
through the fixed labyrinthine ways that he has prepared for the return of his
Son. So the Son finally awakens and he walks with me through the whole roadway
of these states.
You can create anything in this world if you know who you are, and if you do not
know, that is why these platforms exist to teach you, for we are all interlaced.
You may think you are insignificant; you may even be in jail - but even behind
bars you are creating. And you need not remain in jail if you know who you are.
Have you ever flown over a lake or over the ocean? A friend recently flew in
from San Diego. He had been in the navy and he had always owned boats, but he
had never before observed what he saw now from the air. He was on the ocean side
as the plane took off from San Diego, and looking down he saw this little
thirty-footer coming in the opposite direction. He noticed the wake of this
little ship and watched it widen, and nothing interrupted it. When his plane
turned inland he was flying at three hundred miles per hour, but looking back he
realized that this little boat - doing maybe thirty knots - was troubling the
entire Pacific. As far as the eye could see this wake was moving and nothing
could stop it and the occupant of that boat was totally unaware of what he was
doing. We are all like that. You think you can imagine and not affect others? It
is like the wake: in time it encompasses the whole world. It starts as a little
"v" but it grows wider and wider. Everyone will be in some way influenced by my
pattern. If one knows what he wants for himself or for others and remains
faithful to it, he does not have to ask: "Who will help me?" For every person
who must play a part will play it to make possible the fulfillment of that
A lady said to me the other night: "Look at my hands! A week ago they were
blistered as if with acid; now there is no scar, but it took me five days of
revision to bring about what you are seeing." For unnumbered days prior to this
nothing happened, but five days of revision brought this about. She produced in
her own body this change. This seems stupidity to the rational man; to the Greek
it is foolishness and to the Jew a stumbling block. It means that the man of
reason cannot comprehend it; he cannot believe that one can create by
imagination. The way is prepared for you, for there are unnumbered states, and
we can create states to deliver others and pull them out of those into which
they have fallen.
We are here on the earth as in a great schoolroom. We were not sent here to be
punished, but to learn to become creators like our Father. There is no "original
sin" for God made the decision to send me to "school." In fact I was "dead." I
existed only for God, the creator of the perfect system, and then came the
decision to subject me to this schoolroom in the hope I would be set free in the
glorious liberty of the sons of God. Given the choice, what child would go to
school? But loving the child the parents subject it to that training. How many
years are taken from children's lives and given to learning? It is the same with
us, only it is a vaster school. So let no one tell you that you did anything
wrong in being born. These coats of skin were prepared for us, for they help man
- the invisible reality - to become conscious. And then some certain teachers
sent by God tell them of the only value in the world and that is to awake. But
if in the awakening you want a better home, a finer job, better health, then try
to create it. Failure does not matter; you are learning. If you persist you will
win. You create by faith. By faith the worlds were made and sustained. Things
that are made are made from things that do not appear. So what would it be like
if you were the man you want to be? See the world as you would like to see it.
Let me define Imagination for you. It is spiritual sensation, but the word
"spiritual" is to most of us something that is not practical - the incorporeal
as opposed to the corporeal. But Imagination is the power to perceive what is
absent from the senses. Take a rose - there is not one here - but right now
could I sense it in any way? Smell it? Touch it? I can, though it is absent from
the senses. That is Imagination. If Imagination creates reality, such perception
of what is absent from the senses makes it so. We have unnumbered case histories
to prove it. Imagination is the power to perceive what is absent from the
senses, and if you persist, you go beyond the sense man and go beyond the
rational man. "The natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for
they are foolishness unto him."
How can I discern my home spiritually? I cannot see it with my physical eye or
touch it with my physical hands, but in Imagination I can do both. You may say:
"I do not have a home." Well, you do the same thing with a home you do not yet
own. Do it with funds you do not now possess. Nothing has quite the same smell
as money, or the same sound. If it is money you want, use every sense to make it
real. But do not say: "I perceive it because I know it is there." To exercise
the Imagination you see something that is not yet there. Then we get beyond the
natural man, like the lady who in five days brought about a complete
transformation in her hands. Everyone is here for image making and to learn
lessons, and the being who sent you here came with you and he has never left
you. He became you and lit you with himself. As he lit man he awoke through the
passage prepared for him into this schoolroom called earth. And then as he is
lifted up he is embraced and given the ring and the fatted calf. "For this is my
son who was dead and now lives again." For the first state was death and then
comes the quickening of this state. He was lost and now he is found again. "That
which is already has been; that which is to be already has been, and God seeks
that which was driven away." So he drives him out by taking him out of mind. He
is seeking Jacob in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, Jesus. For when
he finds him, he is Jesus. As he finds him, his is the reality of being, which
is Jesus. He will find him in every being in the world. When this begins to
awaken in you, the old form cannot contain it any more than new wine can be
contained in old bottles. You cannot take this new wine of truth and confine it
to the old dogma - it will blow it apart. So it has to take a new form as the
Spirit begins to awaken within one.
So make your image and ask no one to help you, for like the wake of the ship it
will change the whole world, if it is necessary to the fulfillment of your
drama. "Everything in the Pacific had to encounter that wake; nothing could stop
it." You are the ark of God and what you are imagining is influencing all the
others who are also imagining. So Imagination changes things. Do not base it on
facts. Truth as we see it is not confined to facts but depends only upon the
intensity of Imagination. Everyone can do it - but often reason will interfere.
A friend told me tonight that he desired the answer to a certain problem and it
was given to him. He said: "I prayed to the being within me." It was a financial
picture and he got the answer, but it seemed so stupid he did not apply it.
Although he did share in it, it brought about everything that he desired. Reason
interfered and he did not put his money into a certain venture. Reason stands
between the man of sense and the man of Imagination.
Have you read Prodigal Genius, the Life of Nikola Tesla? He said there was
nothing that was not within the Imagination. He conceived of alternating
current, and when Edison told him it could not be done he said: "But I see it,
and I am stopping it and starting it." And when they brought his model into the
factory they did not change a bolt of it.
A friend of mine, a violinist, cut an accurate model of something he had seen in
his mind. It was a collapsible box such as now used by department stores to hold
dresses and such. He had it patented and sold his patent for $10,000. Not one
person in this country but has used that kind of box. Harry Webb got it in a
vision. The manufacturer made millions. Harry did not labor for it. Reason was
suspended and this came through.
Apply this principle to the little things of life and let no one tell you it is
too material; the same ones will ask you for whatever it is when you discard it.
You are here in this schoolroom to create out of your imagination and to do it
by faith. Imagine and create the noblest concepts for yourself or for others and
live in [them], and in a way you do not know, you will influence the lives of
everyone in the world, and everyone who will be needed to bring about your dream
will be drawn into it and brought to you. Even those who seek to stack the cards
against you and think they are doing so very cleverly will find that the very
thing they did will instead stack the cards against themselves. You are
influencing everyone in this world when you are imagining. Who knows what being
now in solitary is not disturbing the whole vast world. He will never be
accused, for he is not out. They can find approximate cause, but they cannot
blame him for he was in a cell. Yet he could cause a wave of hate out of the
depth of his own being. That is why it is so important to imagine wisely. There
is only one being awakening and that is God, and we were put into this
schoolroom in love even though many a night, like the children, we cry. Loving
fathers here have sent their unwilling children to school; a loving heavenly
father sent you here on earth. You apply it and use the greatest talent in the
world, which is himself. That is Imagination.
I cannot begin to tell you the thrill that is in store for you as you begin to
live by Imagination. And then you can pass through all these states which were
prepared for the return of his banished ones. Not a state but has been fixed
before he put his Son into the depth to rise. So as he is the life of man, it is
really God who is rising. So we deliver ourselves from states and at the same
time deliver others from the same state. No matter what a man has done, he is
only in a state and can be lifted out.
When we begin to awaken we will begin to comfort and heal, for whom God afflicts
he did it for a sound end, and that was that he might awaken. "This is my son
who was dead and now liveth." The most monstrous beast that ever walked the
earth cannot be lost, for God is also present in him. If one could be lost then
God could be lost, for he became his Son that he might awaken that Son as God.
So make your dream and live in it and it will come true. We are told that as the
sower sowed, the seed fell on four kinds of soil. The first is not prepared; it
is the highway, and no seed took root. These are those who will not listen. Then
you will find one who will take this teaching, but it falls on stony ground.
They get something new but there is no root. The first thing they say is: "Oh,
it would have happened anyway!" The third fell among the "thorns and thistles."
It grows deeper than the one on the rock, but they really believe that it is
only with money they can get things and so the teaching was choked by the thorns
of their unbelief. Then there is the well-prepared ground, and it roots deeply
and produces fifty and a hundre been prepared for your education and that it is
all interwoven in the labyrinthine ways of your own mind. And then you learn to
walk in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and you can create states from this
heavenly alphabet of God, and then we find how the entire Bible story is a true
story as seen through the eyes of those who wrote it. It is the history of the
soul of man and some day you will know it is taking place in you, and then it
moves rapidly and you will understand the vision you did not understand before.
Then you can say: "The whole Book spoke of me!"
So, speaking of the one that God is seeking, the one who was lost, who found
him? God found him. You find it unfolding within you. And then you see that you
cannot from now on use the old bottle or the old frame, for the vision differs
and you cannot put new cloth on old garments, or new wine in old bottles, [and]
your friends tell you that if you do this you will have no listeners. But you
must go blindly on, because you have been given the new wine. You see no one who
is important and you do not consider the wise or the foolish to be in supreme
states, but you see them passing through these states into which we may all fall
as we are being educated, as we move from the state of death to the divine
liberty of the sons of God.
So if you get a vision, do not let reason interfere like my friend who lost
$50,000 because he allowed reason to interfere and did not follow through on the
answer that was given him. Reason divides the natural man of sense from the man
of Imagination. Blake says: "Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is
weak enough to be restrained, and the restrainer or reason usurps its place and
governs the unwilling. And being restrained, it by degrees becomes passive, till
it is only the shadow of desire." If you desire the recovery of a friend, do not
restrain it, for then reason will restrain it. Let no one tell you he is
suffering because of the past. You are called on only to forgive him. You are
not the judge. Let no one tell you that your father punishes. He seems to do it
is for a purpose: "I kill, I heal, I wound, I make alive," etc. Choose life, but
there must be the contrary to awaken you. But we may choose from the tree of
life, which is truth and error.
So deliver anyone from the state into which he has fallen. [Now] you see what
the prophet meant: "That which is already has been," etc., for the schoolroom is
prepared for the awakening Son of God.
Now let us go into the silence.